Wednesday 15 March 2017

6 Month Birthday

I can't quite believe my little man in 6 months old! The time is flying by and he is learning new things by the day!

On his half a year birthday, we went to see the ponies at the top of our road, went to the Library where we got 6 new bedtime books to read and went to the park so he could play on the swings, my William loves the swings! 

He also got lucky that Daddy left the baby carrier at the bottom of the stroller and when (as always) William got fed up of being in the stroller, Mummy got to baby wear him round the park and home. I love being so close to him, he is happier and I am (getting a workout haha) also loving it! 

The time really is going by so so fast. I love spending every minute with my baby, we do everything together and he is very rarely more than 10ft away from me (no lie!). 

He has been a little sad of late as he cut his bottom two teeth and I think he is quite uncomfortable but as long as I keep him busy and provide calpol on the bad days then we're soldering through. 

William is now 20lb 2oz and he is on the 98th centile for weight and height (he's my big boy).

He has two bottom teeth cut through and growing by the day! 

He can sit unassisted for quite some time! 

He can pull his own weight up and stand on his own as long as he is balanced by something. 

Still doesn't sleep through the night (we're lucky if we get 2 hours before he wakes up). 

Started solids. He loves banana porridge and loves veggies as long as they are mixed slightly with his milk. 

Prefers finger foods as he loves feeding himself. 

Loves the swings. Hates Strollers. Loves the baby carrier on Mummy's chest. Loves the car. 

We've finally bought a dummy that is the exact replica of his Dr Brown Bottle and he absolutely loves it. So much so that he has gone off his milk!!! This is the reason why we upped his food intake as I was worried he would start losing weight. He is still taking plenty of bottles a day, but just not drinking as many ounces. 

Can roll from belly to back. This was a long time coming as he was just never interested and then all of a sudden during a play date in the sensory room, he rolled... and has done it ever since when I put him on tummy time. 

He is my water baby. He loves swimming and bath time! Every time he has been swimming, a lifeguard or a swimming teacher has watched him and then commented how great he is in the water. He has never cried in the pool and loves every minute! 

I love being his Mummy, watching him grow, learning and trying new things. As difficult some days are with teething and sleep deprivation, he is my happy place and at the moment, I am his!  

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