Tuesday 6 June 2017

Summer Days & 8 Month Update

I am loving experiencing Summer days with a small baby! The paddling pools, outdoor bath times (since it's warmer outdoors than indoors), picnics in the park... I have never been much of a fan of Summer, sitting in an office 9-5 suffering with awful hay fever just made me wish for any other season, but this year it's completely different. 

I love that when you become a parent, everything changes. 
I honestly feel like my life properly began the day William was born. 

William is 8 months old now and it's been one BIG month in development!

He is loving food, doing a mixture of baby led weaning and (mostly) purees. I like finger foods but find most of it ends up on the floor and as I need to make sure he is eating enough in the daytime I back it up with something I can feed him. He loves food and hasn't shown a dislike towards anything yet! I like to make my own meals for him as it saves money, which on maternity, you don't get a lot of! He does go through phases of not eating much and clamping his mouth shut but they pass quickly to the days where he eats everything, so it's ok! 

He's definitely improving however he's still in our bed. 
He sleeps in his sleepyhead grand next to me in our bed... it's a king size bed and I swear his pod takes up most of the room! I saw a sleep specialist this month and she gave me some brilliant advice that I have only half put in to practice. She basically wanted me to cut out William's sleep associations and until I do that, he will not know how to fall asleep by himself, which makes sense. His sleep associations are: Fed to sleep (Bottle), rocking to sleep, sang to sleep and falling asleep in our arms. We have removed the bedtime bottle (he has this downstairs now before his bath and bed) and is no longer rocked to sleep. He is still in my arms, which will be the next to go and then finally singing. They don't like the cry it out method thankfully and said I can sit by his cot when I put him in so he knows he's not alone... but we're not at that stage just yet! Main thing is, I am getting a LOT more sleep. At his worst, I was seeing every hour of the night twice, it was making me really poorly. But now, at 8.5 months, he will have one night feed between midnight and 2am and wakes a few times when we initially put him down... SO much better!! 

William has completely mastered crawling. He's fast and constantly aiming for the dogs water bowl! 
He can pull himself up to standing, has learnt to wave, can say Dada and likes to share his food or dummy with us. He is constantly shaking his head to do 'no, no, no'. He can stand unaided for a few seconds and walks really well if we're holding his hands and can manage a few steps with us holding on to one hand. 

I have no idea, but he has now gone in to 9-12 month clothes so I'm guessing he's around the 22-23lb mark! He has always been on the 98% centile since he's been a month old.

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